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Kurumi (くるみ)
Walnut is one of the nuts with the longest history and has been used for dry skin remedies all over the world.

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Ninniku (にんにく)
Garlic supports your digestive system and is used for symptoms such as indigestion, chronic diarrhea, and early signs of cold such as chills and fever in Yakuzen.

Spring onion
Naganegi (長ネギ)
Spring onion is one of the food that I eat when I am feeling a bit cold because it promotes vital energy (Qi) and blood circulation and helps me sweat out.

Sweet Potato
Satsumaimo (さつまいも)
Lots of root vegetables are known as Qi (vital energy) tonic in Yakuzen and they are highly nutritious.

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Shiitake mushroom
Shiitake (椎茸)
Shiitake mushroom is beneficial for symptoms such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol in western science.