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Japanese Osuimono with bok choy for Qi stagnation
Osuimono is a Japanese clear soup made of Dashi soup, soy sauce, salt, and other classic Japanese ingredients.
This soup is beneficial for people with Qi stagnation.

Spinach and carrot salad with black sesame dressing for nourishing Blood
This is a common Japanese home dish, made with the full of Blood nourishing ingredients, and it tastes very nice with a bowl of simply cooked rice.
Foods for smoothing Liver Qi flow in springtime
Spring is here and now is the time for uprising, regrowing, and cleansing after the long cold winter.
Spring is the season of Yang in Yakuzen and is associated with the below.
Winter eating tips to keep you warm and healthy
We are now in the season of resting and conserving energy. Winter is the season of Yin in Yakuzen and is associated with the following elements:

Nasu no Nibitashi (Braised eggplant)
Nasu (eggplant) season has started and this is a must-try Japanese home dish for summer.
Summer eating tips to keep yourself active
Summer is the yang season in Yakuzen and is associated with the below.