Welcome to Rin Wellness
Winter eating tips to keep you warm and healthy
We are now in the season of resting and conserving energy. Winter is the season of Yin in Yakuzen and is associated with the following elements:
Nasu no Nibitashi (Braised eggplant)
Nasu (eggplant) season has started and this is a must-try Japanese home dish for summer.
Summer eating tips to keep yourself active
Summer is the yang season in Yakuzen and is associated with the below.
Yin and Yang
The Yin-Yang Theory is a fundamental concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, describing that all things in the universe are made up of two opposite yet complementary energies, yin and yang.
The Five Element Theory
The Five Element Theory is a fundamental idea of Traditional Chinese Medicine, observed by ancient Chinese.
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Black soybean
Kuromame (黒豆)
In Yakuzen, natural aging is related to kidney health which back color food is associated with. Yes, black soybeans are associated with kidney health as you can imagine.