Gathering around the Sukiyaki pot with family or friends is a heartwarming event during winter in Japan.
It’s almost a tradition for my family to have sukiyaki on New Year’s Eve, making it a staple on our year-end table.
There are two main styles of sukiyaki: Kanto (Tokyo) style and Kansai (Osaka) style. Growing up in Hokkaido, my family followed the Kanto-style method.
The cooking process is simple. First, brown the naganegi (spring onions) in beef fat, then add the meat. After that, add the shungiku (crown daisy) and simmer in a sweet-savory "warishita" sauce. The key is to dip the cooked ingredients into beaten raw egg just before eating.
From Yakuzen perspective, the main ingredients -beef and green onions- help warm your body up during the cold winter months, while shungiku, a seasonal winter vegetable, promotes Qi flow. Tofu and shirataki noodles are considered yin-nourishing, and the flavorful "warishita" sauce brings everything together.
I am sharing my family’s sukiyaki recipe with you today and hoping you like it!
Ingredients (4 Servings)
Sukiyaki pot (Cast-Iron pot) or any pot
500g Thinly sliced beef shoulder loin
1 Naganegi spring onions (cut diagonally into 2cm width)
4 Shiitake mushrooms (cut off the stem and then cut in half)
5 leaves Chinese cabbage (cunt into 3cm width)
200g Shungiku (Crown daisy)(cut into 3cm width)
1 pac Shirataki Konjac noodles (Boil for 1 minute, drain and cut in half)
1 pac Grilled Tofu (cut into 8 pieces)
4 fresh eggs
Beef fat or cooking oil
<Warishita Sauce>
150ml Soy source
150ml Mirin
6 tbsp Sugar
60ml Sake
60ml Water
1 tsp Dashi Stock powder
Udon Noodles *optional
Step 1 - Heat the sukiyaki pot on medium heat and put the beef fat (or cooking oil).
Step 2 - Place the naganegi spring onions and sear them until browned.
Step 3 - Add the beef and cook for a minute, then add the warishita sauce.
Step 4 - Once the warishita sauce starts boiling, add the shiitake mushrooms, shungiku, Chinese cabbage, and grilled tofu. Simmer until the beef and vegetables are cooked.
Step 5 - Turn the heat down to low and add the shirataki noodles. Simmer for another 5 minutes.
Step 6 - Turn off the heat. Beat the egg in a bowl and dip the cooked beet and vegetables just before eating.
Step 7 - Add the udon noodles and simmer until cooked. This is called "Shime" meaning "Finale". We usually do this when most of the ingredients have disappeared. However, This can be done whenever you like. Make your own sukiyaki special!