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Tomatoes can help you improve your digestion
Tomatoes are widely recognized as an excellent source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that supports overall health.
In Yakuzen, they are considered slightly cold-natured vegetables. Their fresh, juicy qualities make them an ideal choice for hot summer days, as they help replenish fluids and quench thirst.
During the summer, the heat can often weaken your stomach. Tomatoes can support digestive health and strengthen your stomach, making them a great seasonal addition to your diet.
Nature – Slight Cold(微寒)
Channels – Liver (肝), Spleen (脾), Stomach (胃)
Flavor – Sweet (甘), Sour (酸)
How does tomato help you?
- Promote fluids
- Improve stomach function and improve your digestion
- Eliminate toxins
Good for the following symptoms
- Excess thirst caused by summer heat
- Summer fatigue
- Indigestion
- Loss of appetite
- Anti-aging
Japanese home dishes with tomatoes
- Bitter melon and pork stir fry
Benefits - Prevent summer fatigue/ clear excessive heat in your body / replenish fluids and moisten your body
It's very important to know about your body conditions before choosing foods.
Do not eat too much of particular foods at once.
Do not eat the foods you are allergic to.
There are foods to avoid if you are pregnant / have a disease. Ask your doctor before you start Yakuzen.