Chinese Water Spinach stir fry for increasing your appetite on hot summer day
This is my second summer growing Chinese water spinach in my garden and it is so easy to grow them.
This dish is perfect when you have a poor appetite due to summer lethargy.
150g Chinese water spinach
100g Moyashi bean sprout
50g Shimeji mushrooms or Shiitake mushroom
1 clove garlic
2 tbsp Cooking oil
1 tbsp Sesame oil
Salt & Pepper
(Sauce ingredients)
1 tsp Chicken stock powder
3 tbsp warm water
1 tbsp Sake
Step 1 - Cut the Chinese water spinach into 5 cm long and chop the garlic. (If you use Shiitake mushrooms, slice)
Step 2 - Combine the sauce ingredients (Chicken stock powder, warm water and sake)
Step 3 - Put the cooking oil and garlic in a wok or frying pan, then stir over low heat until the garlic turns golden.
Step 4 - Add the shimeji (or shiitake) mushrooms and stir at medium heat. Once the mushrooms are cooked, add Chinese water spinach stokes.
Step 5 - Add moyashi bean sprouts and Chinese water spinach leaves and stir until cooked.
Step 6 - Add the sauce mixture and sesame oil and stir over high heat. Remove from heat.