Chinese Water Spinach for eliminating toxins
Chinese water spinach is categorized as a cold-natured vegetable, meaning that it cools your body down.
Also, it promotes urine flow, eliminates toxins, and stops bleeding.
It is beneficial for symptoms such as nose bleeding, blood in urine due to heat in blood, skin rashes, and constipation due to heat.
In addition, it is a great source of beta-carotene.
Nature – Cold (寒)
Channels – Stomach (胃), Large Intestine (大腸)
Flavor – Sweet (甘)
How does Chinese water spinach help you?
- Clears heat in your body
- Promote urine flow
- Eliminate toxins
Good for the following symptoms
- Nose bleeding due to excess heat in blood
- Constipation due to excess heat
Japanese home dish with Chinese water spinach
- Water Chinese Spinach stir fry
Benefits - Increase appetite / Detox
For more details, please send me a message.
It's very important to know about your body conditions before choosing foods.
Do not eat too much of particular foods at once.
Do not eat the foods you are allergic to.
There are foods to avoid if you are pregnant / have a disease. Ask your doctor before you start Yakuzen.