Blood replenishing vegitable - Carrot
Carrot is well-known as a blood-replenishing root vegetable from the Yakuzen perspective based on TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine) and it contains high amounts of fiber, which aids in digestion, and beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, essential for eye health and immune function.
Carrots are particularly beneficial for alleviating eye symptoms related to iron deficiency, such as dry eyes and eye strain, and they help protect overall vision.
Nature – Neutral(平)
Channels – Lung(肺), Spleen(脾), Stomach(胃) and Liver(肝)
Flavor – Sweet(甘)
How do carrots help you?
- Nourish liver and eyes.
- Astringe the lung and stop coughing.
- Boost the spleen function and help your digestive system.
Good for the following symptoms
- Dry eye and low vision due to iron deficiency
- Chronic coughs
- Indigestion due to a weak spleen
- Loss of appetite due to a weak stomach
- Diarrhea / Constipation due to a weak stomach
Japanese home dishes with carrot
- Namasu (Pickled carrots and daikon (Japanese radish) salad)
Benefit - Improving digestion.
- Kinpira(Braised carrots and gobo (burdock root))
Benefit - Relieving constipation.
For more details, please send me a message.
It's very important to know about your body conditions before choosing foods.
Do not eat too much of particular foods at once.
Do not eat the foods you are allergic to.
There are foods to avoid if you are pregnant / have a disease. Ask your doctor before you start Yakuzen.