
Mint leaves

Article Title
Mint clears your mind and helps you relieve a headache caused by liver heat.


Hakka (薄荷)

Grab some mint leaves from the garden and put them in a glass, then put cold water and ice, stir and enjoy. This might be one of your favorite summer drinks. 
Mint supports liver functions, clears liver heat, and relieves symptoms such as irritability and hot flashes.
It's a perfect herb for summer.
Also, it helps you relieve early signs of a cold such as a sore throat, headache and slight fever.
If you have poor blood circulation caused by cold, take it with warm-nature foods because mint cools your body down and could worsen your poor blood circulation.

Nature – Cool(涼)
Channels – Liver (肝), Lung (肺)
Flavor – Pungent (辛)

How does mint help you?

  1. Disperse wind-heat
  2. Clear heat in the upper body (head, throat and eyes)
  3. Clear mind
  4. Relieve stress

Good for the following symptoms

  1. Hot flashes
  2. Sore throat
  3. Slight fever
  4. Pink eye caused by liver heat
  5. Stress symptoms such as headache and sighs

For more details, please send me a message.


It's very important to know about your body conditions before choosing foods.
Do not eat too much of particular foods at once.
Do not eat the foods you are allergic to.
There are foods to avoid if you are pregnant / have a disease. Ask your doctor before you start Yakuzen.