Asari Clams

Steamed clams in a white bowl.

Article Title
Asari clams help you reduce excess body heat and phlegm

Asari Clams

Asari (あさり)

You might already know that clams are great for replenishing blood and helping with iron deficiency, but their benefits go beyond that.

In Yakuzen, asari clams are known for their cooling properties, making them an excellent choice when your body is overheated. They can help ease hot flashes, calm irritation and anxiety, and even reduce excess phlegm and dampness in the body.

However, because clams have a strong cooling effect, I recommend pairing them with warming foods like spring onions or ginger to balance their energy. This way, you can enjoy their benefits without cooling your body too much.

Nature – Cold(寒)
Channels – Liver (肝), Kidney (腎), Spleen (脾), Stomach (胃)
Flavor – Sweet (甘), Salty (鹹)

How do Asari clams help you?

  1. Clear body heat and reduce phlegm
  2. Promote urination and relieve fluid retention

Good for the following symptoms

  1. Hot flash
  2. Thirst
  3. Stress caused by excess heat
  4. Fluid retention
  5. Phlegm


It's very important to know about your body conditions before choosing foods.
Do not eat too much of particular foods at once.
Do not eat the foods you are allergic to.
There are foods to avoid if you are pregnant / have a disease. Ask your doctor before you start Yakuzen.